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Hire a staffer

Hire, hire staffer

Yes, a staffer can be hired! In section 3.6 under "Hire Obligations"

You as an employer may freely hire a Staffer outside of the platform but must inform Staffers AS. You will be billed 5.000 NOK for the direct hiring or engaging with a Staffer outside the platform. This can easily be reported through your Business Admin under the payment section.

Staffers AS will invoice a penalty fee of 10.000 NOK if the hire is not reported.

You have 30 days to report this to us.

These obligations apply to:

  • Any staffer who worked for an employer will be considered as a direct hire

  • Any staffer that worked for an employer six months prior through the platform

  • Any staffer that applies directly through our website

  • Applies to the entire company. Anyone from your company that hires someone will be charged 5000 NOK.

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