PayoutPartner will take care of your payment when you complete an event job. To see more information on how the salary is being handled look at the picture at the bottom of this article.
Because we know the hard work people in the hospitality industry do, we have set the minimum wage on event jobs at 220/240 NOK/h to cover the extra percentage that is added when the invoice is sent from PayoutPartner. The difference between the minimum wage is if you are working as a chef, waiter, or bartender, the minimum wage per hour is NOK240/h.
All the social costs and taxes will be deducted from your salary so that you get the proper payment for the shift, that is why the hourly wage is higher.
How much will you get paid?
example: 260h x 10h = 2600
Freelancers don’t get feriepenger, as we pay the full amount immediately.
Feriepenger is actually “pre-taxed” money saved until the year after, so it appears as if it was “not taxed” but actually was in the previous year.
i.e. If you get feriepenger, you also pay more tax every month to cover for the tax that you won’t pay in the next year when you collect feriepenger.